Ali's Well That Ends Well by Ali Wentworth

I LOVE Ali Wentworth! This a short yet funny read. It's also what I classify as a "waiting room read" Ya know, easy to pick up and put down. Perfect size to slip into your purse or backpack. Good for a laugh and easy to share. She may have embellished a little (per her forward- LOL) but it's all great fun!

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Bestselling author Ali Wentworth offers a comedic look at family, friendship, and lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic in her new collection of laugh-out-loud comic vignettes.

Like many, Ali Wentworth spent the pandemic seesawing between highs, lows, and baking an unnecessary amount of chocolate cake. Between binging every tv show in existence to conquering TikTok to becoming a (semi) empty-nester, Ali experienced her share of turmoil (including an early case of Covid), but she also grew a little, learned a lot, and found comfort in some unexpected people and places.

*Thank you to @Harper and @HarperCollins for sharing this title with me.
#HarperBooks #HarperCollins #AliWentworth #Aliswellthatendswell #comdey #memoirs


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