The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections by Eva Jurczyk

Releases Jan 25th ~ Get it on Amazon


The department of Rare Books and Special Collections is a whodunit "slouthed" by a close to retirement librarian. When big issues arise Nora finds herself, for some unexplainable reason, needing to discover the who, what, when, where, and how of a missing coworker, as well as, the missing tomes from the rare books and special collections department. While trying to discover what has happened to all of these things we learned a bit about her relationships with the people she works with, her relationship with her husband, and an underlying thread of mental illness within the lives of the people she is connected to. I found the overall feel of this book to be a bit sad and melancholy. Having said that, I enjoyed following along as Liesl uncovers the truth. I was very surprised by the final twist of this whodunit. For those in a book club, you’ll be happy to know there's a reading group question guide at the end as well as a lovely Q&A with the author. 


From the Cover...
Midnight at the Bright Idea Bookstore meets The Bookshop of Yesterdays in a stunning debut following a librarian whose quiet life is turned upside down when a priceless manuscript goes missing. Soon she has to ask: what holds more secrets in the library—the ancient books shelved in the stacks, or the people who preserve them?

Liesl Weiss long ago learned to be content working behind the scenes in the distinguished rare books department of a large university, managing details and working behind the scenes to make the head of the department look good. But when her boss has a stroke and she's left to run things, she discovers that the library's most prized manuscript is missing.

Liesl tries to sound the alarm and inform the police about the missing priceless book, but is told repeatedly to keep quiet, to keep the doors open and the donors happy. But then a librarian unexpectedly stops showing up to work. Liesl must investigate both disappearances, unspooling her colleagues' pasts like the threads of a rare book binding as it becomes clear that someone in the department must be responsible for the theft. What Liesl discovers about the dusty manuscripts she has worked among for so long—and about the people who care for and revere them—shakes the very foundation on which she has built her life.

The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections is a sparkling book-club read about a woman struggling to step out from behind the shadows of powerful and unreliable men, and reveals the dark edge of obsession running through the most devoted bookworms.

*Thank you so much to Poison Pen and Sourcebooks for sharing this read with me.


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