I am absolutely stunned by this ending. STUNNED.
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The first words I wrote on my Goodreads page after finishing was “I am a speechless, sobbing mess. Words will come, but it's gonna take some time.” and believe me, it has.
Okay, getting myself together. Firstly, let me just say that the Charley Davidson series has been one hell of a ride. From the moment Charley entered my bookish life, till the very end. She has been and will remain one of my all-time favorite heroine. Her snark, troubled escapades, her hidden emotions, and seriously criminal coffee addiction will be sorely missed.
As for Summoned to Thirteenth, well… my emotions were all over the place in this final book. From relief to grief, and a melancholy yet somber feeling when I reached the last page. I will miss them all. Cookie, Uncle Bob, Mr. Wong, Artemis, Osh… and so many more.
“I savored the scene as long as I could, memorizing each face. Each smile. Each laugh. This was a room filled with greatness. With gifts and talents that were unmatched the world over. A god, a warrior, a spiritualist, a healer, a scholar, a magician, a caregiver, a ruler, and a handful of guardians. This was my world. These were my people.”
The shining star in all this is the knowledge that more seems to be coming with Beep. The foreshadowing is all over Summoned to Thirteenth. I am truly sad that it's over yet… is there more?
“I want what you and Reyes have.” “The strong possibility of an STD?” “No, a love that spans the life of a million stars.”
5 Coffee infused sadly it’s over stars

Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper extraordinaire, is pissed. She’s been kicked off the earthly plane for eternity –which is exactly the amount of time it takes to make a person stark, raving mad. But someone’s looking out for her, and she’s allowed to return after a mere hundred years in exile. Is it too much to hope for that not much has changed? Apparently it is. Bummer.
She’s missed her daughter. She’s missed Reyes. She’s missed Cookie and Garrett and Uncle Bob. But now that she’s back on earth, it’s time to put to rest burning questions that need answers. What happened to her mother? How did she really die? Who killed her? And are cupcakes or coffee the best medicine for a broken heart? It all comes to a head in an epic showdown between good and evil in this final smart and hilarious novel.
Q & A with Darynda Jones
How did you come up with Charley?
So, I’m lying in bed one morning, waiting for my turn in the shower, when Charley popped into my head in all her glory. I loved her from the get-go. I will add that I was looking for her. I had just typed The End on my second complete manuscript, a YA titled Death and the Girl Next Door which later sold to my amazing editor along with the Charley books. So, I was craving another project. I knew I wanted it to be adult and paranormal. That was all I had. And then Charley walked in.
What has it been like to planning and writing this series, and how does it feel to be wrapping it up?
I had no clue! I dreamed, of course. We all do that. But for that dream to become a reality…it’s quite surreal. I have the best job in the world. Planning and writing the last two books have been bittersweet. I love writing these books so much, so the fact that it’s coming to an end is a little heartbreaking, but I want to go out with a bang. Like a HUGE one. I hope everyone loves reading them as much as I’ve loved writing them.
Are there any side characters or plots you wish you would have developed more?
Actually, yes. In Fifth Grave Past the Light, I brought in a character named Nicolette Lemay, gave her an insanely cool gift, then never brought her back in again. We see her briefly in Twelfth Grave, but I wish I’d done more with her.
Can you give us a sneak peek into how it all ends? What do you hope readers feel as they reach the last page?
I am very hopeful that readers will feel a sense of happiness, closure and (dare I dream?) euphoria. All I can say is that this book is truly darkest before the dawn. Charley and Reyes have accidentally opened a hell dimension within our own, and they have to figure out how to close it before it takes over the world. But it’s expanding exponentially, and soon there will be nothing left of the world as we know it. But with a little help from Charley's departed mother, one clue leads Charley in the right direction and, hopefully, to the secret to stopping the hell dimension and save all of humanity. Sadly, she only has three days to do it.
What's the next project you're working on?
Right now I am working on a brand new series, a trilogy set in a small town in New Mexico with a sheriff named Sunshine, a missing girl named Olivia, and a murder suspect named Levi. Too bad she is in way over her head, especially since the missing girl is her daughter's best friend and Sunshine has been in love with Levi since she could breathe.
Sixth Grave on the Edge (Charley Davidson #6) by Darynda Jones
Few series have the comedy staying power that Darynda Jones has created. I mean come on guys! Need to laugh out loud and spew coffee from your nostrils? Well, I got the book for you!
Heartfelt comedy and sexy repartee are what you get when grim reaper Charlie and the sexy devil that is Reyes get together. The ongoing back-story is really taking off now. I think Jones is hitting her stride with these two.
We get great chapter quotes; catch up with EVERYONE and a peek into Mr. Wong. The end of Sixth Grave on the Edge leaves me a bit stunned and thoroughly thrilled with what next!
5 Awesome stars!
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