A Perfect Mess by Zoe Dawson

Author: Zoe Dawson
Release date: August 19, 2013
Publisher:  Blue Moon Creative, LLC (self)
Age Group: New Adult/Adult
Genre: Mystery
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours

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I know what you did last summer

Aubree Walker, the perfect girl most likely to succeed, is sure there’s only one person who knows what she did.

Booker Outlaw, one of the three Outlaw brothers—all identical, all gorgeous, all from the wrong side of the tracks, and all pure bad boys. He was always the unpredictable one, the one who would be brash enough to make it big self-publishing horror novels on the internet. He promised never to tell, but everyone knows you can never trust an Outlaw.

Then a year later, in the middle of the night, she receives a phone call at Tulane. Her aunt, who took her in after her mother’s death, is in a coma under suspicious circumstances. Now she has to face that one person who knows all about what she did that summer—sexy Booker.

Returning to Hope Parish to be with her aunt, stirs up all those ugly memories. When Aubree starts getting threats, she can’t help but wonder if what she did last summer was tied to her aunt’s “accident.” Afraid, she turns to the only person who knows the truth and Booker doesn’t hesitate to offer his broad shoulder for her to lean on. But Booker has a secret of his own that could crush their fledgling relationship.

As the hot, sultry summer days move on, she finds that even a perfectly smart girl can lose her heart to a perfectly bad boy. What is she going to do when someone starts asking questions Aubree doesn’t want to answer? She’s knee deep into a terribly dangerous, wholly life changing, who-can-she-really-depend-on perfect mess.

A Perfect Series: Three perfect girls, three perfect secrets, one unholy trinity

A Perfect Mess, Book #1 – the girl most likely to succeed, an unpredictable Outlaw, and a dangerous secret that could be the death of her.

A Perfect Mistake, Book #2 – A preacher’s daughter, a reckless Outlaw, and a secret that will change her life forever.

A Perfect Dilemma, Book #3 – The town’s poor little rich girl, a sweet-talking Outlaw, and a secret that will ruin all that she holds dear

Zoe Dawson is the alter ego of Karen Anders, award winning, multi-published author. Her writing journey started with poetry and branched out into fiction. With a couple of college English courses under her belt, she penned a historical, then moved onto contemporary romance fiction. Today, she is happy producing romantic suspense, romantic comedy/mystery, new adult, urban fantasy. The words feed her soul and the happily ever afters feed her heart.

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Author’s take on the leading man:

A broad-shouldered rebel with electric blue eyes, a ripped body, shaggy black hair and gorgeous features along with a sexy, Southern drawl.

Booker Outlaw – Believes that the sky is the limit.  A modern day Tom Sawyer he’s always gotten along in life by using his mischievous charm.  He charms and disarms people and has always been able to talk himself out of almost any kind of trouble.  So, when on those rare occasions when his charm doesn’t work, that’s terrifying for him.  He values spontaneity, likes open-ended agreements and multifaceted jobs.  That’s why as a self-published horror author, he can explore all the worlds in his head and never get bored.  He distances himself away from the bad times and remembers the good times.  He’s aware of the stigma his family lives under but chooses not to let it affect him. He’s all about options, being told what to do is irritating, limitations are the product of small-minded thinking, that rules are annoying and probably unimportant, and that it feels like dying when options shrink.  He needs to grow by staying instead of leaving.  By dealing with pain.  There is a choice when you make a commitment.  You can watch your attention fracture, but it’s more rewarding to stay in the moment.  He needs Aubree because she can accept both pleasure and pain in relating, she notices the needs and values of friends, who see when his interest start to wander, and who sets a framework for emotional depth.

Booker isn’t based on a real life person. I normally have an idea of the hero, how he is going to interact with the heroine and other characters in the book, and what’s important to him. But, when I started to write him, I didn’t realize the richness that would come out of creating him. As he began to interact with and against my heroine, I found his humor was his protection, shield, and sword. I realized he wasn’t a typical nineteen-year-old because of his experiences as he grew up under the shadow of his past relative’s actions. I discovered he was a protector of the underdog because he was one, felt things intensely because deep inside he’s a poet, and was the perfect laid back bad boy to entice Aubree both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

You can find a pic of my inspiration for Booker here: :  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/275915914643783358/ and other characters in the novel on my Pinterest Board here http://www.pinterest.com/zoedawson/a-perfect-mess-book-1-a-perfect-secret-series/


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