Dark Waters by Toni Anderson

Dark Waters

4 stars****
So, we have ex-cons... ex-military... ex-husbands and ex-wives... yep... there is a whole lot of back story going on in this mystery/thriller/romance. We also have murder, conspiracy, a couple on the run from a sadistic killer/rapist and an unlikely blooming romance. And to really twist things up a bit... the ex-cons are the "good" guys and the ex-military are the "bad" guys! It's a world gone mad...
Anna ends up running to Brent for help after her father left her an urgent message on her phone right before he died. Brent was her father's cell mate when they were in prison. Brent is the only one Anna's father trusted to keep his daughter safe. Anna knew Brent was an ex-con but had no choice but to trust him. And, he already had a close connection to Anna that developed through the many letters that she wrote to her father while incarcerated. Brent respected his friend and would stop at nothing to keep his daughter safe. What neither of them expected was to fall for each other.
I have to say that I thought that this couple blended so well together. They both had a damaged past and through the sort of forced trust they had to have to survive being chased they were slowly able to break down their barriers and be open to healing and possibly love. I really liked the chemistry that they had together and Brent was kind of an awesome guy. They were good for each other.
This was a real page turner and kept me on the edge of my seat. And, I have to say nice things about a book that keeps me fully engaged and not wanting to put it down. This one had my attention from beginning to end.
I read this easily in one day. This author has a nice easy writing style. I will definitely look into reading some of her other books.
The only word of caution that I have is for those who may be sensitive to rape. Even though it is not described in graphic detail... it is there. I always like to mention that simply because some readers like to steer clear of this topic all together.
Overall, I really liked this book and would definitely recommend it to fellow mystery/thriller fans.

ARC was provided by Montlake Romance via netgalley. 


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