Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas

 Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas

This is a book I wish I had not read...  it just made me angry.  And, because it had such a peculiar ending there was no real closure to this story to make me feel good about the events that took place.  It made me feel bad. 
This is basically a story about a man who kidnaps a woman, completely breaks her down, destroys who she is and then builds her back up to be what he wants her to be. A very dark and disturbing account of how easy it is to lose who you are and become something completely different. This is not enjoyable erotica because she is forced to submit... that is rape. I think it's important for people to understand that going into the book. This is not a kidnapping story that turns into some kind of twisted love story by the end. There is nothing touchy feely or romantic about it. It is simply a story of her destruction as a person.   I mainly didn't like this book simply because I just couldn't buy into his reasons WHY?? And, I also don't think she fought hard enough in the beginning. A smart, intelligent woman (I feel) would have challenged him a bit more. At some point she may have given in... but, I needed to see more fight from her. I also needed to know more of his story... because as it stands he is just simply a heartless monster and nothing else. 
This book "might" interest someone who is interested in the psychological aspect of how isolation and Stockholm Syndrome can affect a person but at the end of the day there are probably better examples elsewhere.  I would not recommend this to anyone who may be looking for pleasurable erotica.  Run...  run away fast!  This is not the book you want. 


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