The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam

The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam

What can I say... Somaly Mam is one of my all time favorite people. I can very easily put this amazing woman in the same category as Mother Theresa. She devotes her entire life to rescuing and helping young girls escape from sexual slavery and helps them re-build their lives. This book literally changed me as a person. Reading her story was so completely heart wrenching and never will I again complain about this wonderful thing that I have at my fingertips... FREEDOM!! Somaly Mam won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work and now she is acclaimed throughout the world as a spokeswoman for those who cannot speak for themselves. I can't say enough about this woman! I love her and admire her so much. A donation is sent to her organization when you buy the book which is why I first came to own it. But, it holds a special place in my heart now and I keep it visible as a reminder not to take my life for granted or complain. This is not an easy book to read... I cried bucket loads... So, sensitive hearts beware! There is some very disturbing content... Somaly had terrible things done to her while she herself was enslaved and she describes many of these events in her book. Just a reader, buyer beware... 

~ K


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