Love, Chloe by Alessandra Torre
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Chloe Madison. That's me. A former NYU princess who just fell from grace, right off my pampered Manhattan throne and onto the unforgiving steps of Nicole Brantley, socialite and queen bitch. Now, I walk her dog and mix her smoothies. Try to navigate my own problems while fixing all of hers. I want what every New York girl wants. A career, an apartment, and true love, preferably in a smoking hot package. It turns out I'll have to fight for all of it.
Oh my gosh... is there anything this author cannot write?? I absolutely LOVED this book... just loved, loved, loved. :)
I felt like I was sitting in a movie theatre, eating buttery popcorn while absorbed into a deliciously romantic movie with my favorite movie stars. I had big smiles, anxious emotions and was sitting on the edge of my seat wondering the outcome.
This book, quite simply put... is about the evolution of Chloe. A young woman who had always been shaped by a world of pampering, having always had everything provided for her in large doses and with big dollar signs. But, who was she when you stripped away all the money and insta-gratification. That's what she had to find out. She found herself suddenly penniless and on a journey of self discovery. Who was she now when she was quite literally stripped bare? Her road to finding out what she was truly made of was not an easy one. But, by the end of this journey I think she found it was worth the struggle. She comes out on the other side of her journey a brand new woman, someone she actually liked and respected. And, I felt the same. Chloe made a lot of mistakes, but I was proud of her and how she learned and overcame each one of those mistakes and became something better.
Only Alessandra Torre can write a love story that not only has you grinning from ear to ear, but also has you sitting on the edge of your seat in suspense throughout the entire book wondering if the ending will turn out the way you thought. And, this book is indeed full of surprises.
I'm not going to talk too much about the men in Chloe's life because I think it would be too spoilery. There are quite a few panty dropping choices and scenerios that surround Chloe in this book. All of them have an appeal and attraction that is different and all of them have flaws. I loved the way the author intertwined all of these men and their very different personalities and lifestyle choices into Chloe's life and how all of their choices helped her to form her own. Chloe finds herself looking at all of these men and finding her way to a love that is honest and real. Just one of the most beautiful love stories I've read in a while.
This is definitely my favorite book to date by this author. It was delightful, sexy, romantic, suspenseful, hit me in all the right spots and left me grinning from ear to ear by the end.
I loved the evolution of Chloe... it was a journey like no other and one I highly recommend to any romance fan.
5 Sparkly, glowing stars!

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Alessandra Torre is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of twelve novels. Her books focus on romance and suspense, all with a strong undercurrent of sexuality. Torre has been featured in such publications as Elle and Elle UK, Dirty Sexy Funny with Jenny McCarthy, as well as guest blogged for the Huffington Post and RT Book Reviews. She was also the Bedroom Blogger for
You can learn more about Alessandra on her website at, or you can find her on Twitter (@ReadAlessandra) or Facebook.
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