The Darkest Frost by Tanya Holmes ~T's Review~

My friend and co-blogger has been telling me for MONTHS to read The Darkest Frost. She has gushed and gently prodded me, and once I had time in my reading schedule, so I finally had the absolute pleasure of meeting Dr. Braeden Frost and his brother Xavier. I read both volumes back-to-back, so writing this review will be an amalgam of both.

Psychic detective Denieve Knight goes into the home of Dr. Frost in hopes of solving a murder. She has been visited by a ghost from her past and needs to find out what exactly has taken place. The infamous Dr. Frost is at the root of it and Denieve must hide who and what she truly is in order to discover the truth. Only is Dr. Frost doing the same for different reasons?

Living in a world as a psychic has proven one thing: you need to keep an open mind in all matters unexplainable and look at every angle.

Here comes the nitty-gritty, guys. What I need to tell you is this... GO IN BLIND. Just know these few things.

1- The build up is incredible
2- This is one hell of a sexy read
3- There are two deliciously mysterious brothers
4- The journey is amazing
5- Holmes’s writing and story telling is right up there with the best in PNR today

That’s it. You are getting a vague, yet raving review.

Don’t search for spoilers. Don’t overanalyze and don’t spoil it for the reader who hasn’t had the pleasure of diving into The Darkest Frost. I have a phrase I use sparingly and I am using it now…THIS IS WHY I READ.

5 of the brightest stars for The Darkest Frost

Get it on AMAZON

Our first ever cover blurb! I don't have enough words for how excited this makes me :) My co-blogger Kat has been raving about this read and I am finally jumping in! Yay to KT Book Reviews and Tanya Holmes :D


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