Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley

Well Rock Chicks grab a FatTire, a bowl of cashews and settle it. Ally is a kick ass Rock Chick and Ren has his sights set on her. Theirs is not a quick relationship as it spans years before anyone even knows it’s going on.  It has all the hallmarks of a KA book. Misunderstanding, self doubt and strong emotions plague Ally. But only in her personal life. As far as her career goes she has finally found something she is good at and really loves. With the help of Darius she is finding her footing in a male dominated business.

 SauvĂ© and captivating Ren has zeroed in on Ally and its lights out for him. Now if only he can make her understand that. Ren surprised me a lot in this book. He also turned on the Alpha cadence later in RCR, also a KA hallmark. Although I like my alpha male it just didn’t suit Ren as I found him to be a bit more refined and not so rough around the edges. Having said that he is also an Italian member of the family (wink wink nudge nudge) so he is defiantly kicks ass in his own right.

Darius, getting to know his demons and finding out his real story was such a surprise bonus. I was kinda hoping he would get his own book before the series found its end. But have no fear we get it in RCR. I love him even more.

The side stories are good. Smithie has issues at the club. The Nightingales have family struggles and the other Rock Chicks? Well, we get to visit all of them plus the extended groups of friends and family. It’s a good thing KA writes long books as she had a lot of updates to make before we left Denver.

Also the extended roll of an epilogue it back! One of my favorite things in KA’s storytelling. You will be smiling ear to ear!

4.5 Rock Chick Stars!

From the cover write up…………
Ally Nightingale has secrets. Secrets she doesn't even share with the Rock Chicks. But two men know what she's up to. One has her back. The other has her heart, but he doesn't know it.

As Ally rewinds the last year of her life, she knows two things. One, she’s never going to get what every Rock Chick should have—her own Hot Bunch guy. And two, she’s a Nightingale through and through. She just isn’t sure what to do about that.

But as her secrets are revealed, the men in her life react. Darius Tucker, a lifelong friend, as usual takes her back. Ren Zano, the man she loves, isn’t quite so sure. The Rock Chicks, Hot Bunch and the entire gang at Fortnum’s weigh in, and a Rock Chick Revolution starts brewing.

It’s up to Ally to control it and prove what she knows down to her bones.

She’s a Rock Chick, she deserves her hot guy and she’s going to keep the one she wants…

Because she’s a Nightingale.


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