Eyes Wide Open by Raine Miller (The Blackstone Affair #3)

                                                                Eyes Wide Open by Raine Miller
5 glowing stars *****

Simply put... one of the BEST love stories I have read in a very, very long time! I know that many people pick these books up simply for the smexy, steamy time and don't get me wrong... I do too... but, when you get the hidden surprise of all of that wrapped up in a beautiful story of two people that just simply fit perfectly together it makes it even better! Ethan Blackstone is way up there at the top of my list as one of my favorite alpha male characters. He is such a beautifully flawed man... beautiful in all the ways you want and flawed but not a complete "moron"... as Ethan would often say to himself. Ethan understands his flaws can sometimes be his downfall and I love that when he recognizes it he deals with it and doesn't make excuses. I loved watching how Brynne and Ethan have grown deeply intimate as a couple... they fight, they make-up (In the best ways I might add!), they listen to each other and they learn how to move past their pain and lean on each other for courage and strength. Instead of walking away they face their troubles head on. Brynne is also one of my favorite heroines because she faces her demons and seeks out the help she needs to keep them at bay. Her journey to healing from her past is not easy. Brynne is running from an ugly past and she has found a way to make herself feel beautiful through her work.
This book is full of surprises and no, I'm not gonna' tell you any of them because it will ruin the journey!!!! I'll only say that I laughed a little, I cried a lot, and when I finally reached the end I had a very big smile on my face and a used up hanky in my hand. I would love to have a story based on Gaby and Ivan... I hope we get one! It would be nice to come back and re-visit all of the characters in this series.
If you've been following this series then you are gonna' love the way it ends... just simply one of the best endings ever!

 Favorite quote from this book that sums up Ethan:

"My kinky, foul mouthed, romantic gentleman lover. The perfect companion, in my opinion."
Well said Brynne... :) 

ARC provided by netgalley...


For T's review of Eyes Wide Open click HERE


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