Twisted by Rebecca Zanetti

This is a Dark Protectors novella book 5.5 but, have no fear you don’t need to have read the first five in this series to enjoy this sexy little read.

Twisted begins with two people sitting opposite each other. The feeling in the room is one of irritation and annoyance. That won’t last for too long though. Maggie, a wolf shifter has lost all her memories up until ten years ago. Anything before that is a blank. She is also a wolf shifter and has lived with vampires during the last ten years to train and learn.

There is something disturbingly familiar about this man/shifter that sits in front of her. Terrent, with his beautiful accent that stirs memories has no problems remembering his Maggie. She loved him once. The question is can he make her love him again?

This is a sexy, sweet and funny story with great characters and if you haven’t read the series before, like me, you will certainly want to.

I can’t wait to slip into this world and see what I have been missing.

From the cover……..

Maggie is a wolf shifter who was captured and experimented on by the Kurjans. Now that a cure has finally been found for shifters (although not for vampire mates or witches), she can concentrate on creating a new life for herself and finally accepting that her memories are gone forever. Most memories, that is. Sometimes in the hazy world between dreams and dawn, she hears a Scottish voice, dark and deep, that sounds suspiciously like wolf-shifter Terrent Vilks. A man she happened to anger by kidnapping a few years back. Hey, it was for a good cause.

Terrent Vilks knows more than he’s let on for the past several years. After digging for answers, he knows exactly why the demons want Maggie dead. And he remembers his past with Maggie…very well. She is finally where he wants her. Now all he has to do is discover what exactly the Kurjans did to her, beat the demons into so much submission they leave her alone, and get her to fall in love with him. Again. Good thing he’s used to wrangling monsters.

A solid 3.5 Stars

Release Date May 28, 2013
ARC given by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review


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